Welcome to Manduburra Aboriginal Land & Sea Incorporated.
We are an non profit organisation and have been incorporated since 2009. The Board consists of 4 Elders who oversee and make the final decisions of the outcomes for the best interest of caring for our traditional countries. Only Mandubarra Traditional Elders and sitting committee of Board have the authority to make decisions and speak on behalf of all Mandubarra. Mandubarra are committed to caring for our land and sea country. Our vision is to provide sustainable environmental and cultural outcomes for Mandubarra traditional owners and the broader community. We also seek funding to carry out on country projects to protect our fauna and flora.
Manduburra TUMRA
MANDUBARRA TUMRA ASPIRATIONAL STATEMENT Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (TUMRA)
Mandubarra Sea Country includes the coastal land and waters immediately to the South of the Mourilyan Harbour to Maria Creek, Kurrimine Beach, incorporating Cowley Beach, Kurrimine Beach and surrounding Islands. These include : Lindquist Island, Bresnahan Island, Hutchinson Island, Jesse Island, Kent Island, South Barnard – Stephenson Island and Sister Island. Mandubarra Aboriginal Land and Sea Inc. has been active in the North Queensland Community since being incorporated in July 2009. Our vision is to provide sustainable outcomes for our members and community with cultural awareness and education. Mandubarra people are committed to caring for our country. To pass on knowledge and culture. To protect our cultural sacred sites, with GBRMPA and QPWS, as these are the responsibilities to our ancestors, children and our culture. Having collaborative partnerships with our neighbouring Traditional Owners, Indigenous corporations, GBRMPA, DNPSR, QPWS, Biosecurity, Terrain, James Cook University, Local Government and community which will enable us to work together and manage our country areas more effectively is of great importance. Our aim is to increase the numbers of turtle and dugongs for a sustainable future. Mandubarra has at present a moratorium on turtles and dugongs on our sea country areas which allows us to build our numbers. Our aspirations are to implement and conduct ongoing turtle, dugong and seagrass monitoring on our country and to maintain an on sight presence of turtle and dugong breeding seasons, to then allow us, in the future to return to our traditional hunting.